Reception Assistant Summer

Closed position

We are looking for a second enthusiastic, patient, detail orientated, people person to support the KISC Reception in a busy KISC summer. Together with the Reception Manager, the Reception Assistant is responsible for managing all the administrative work relating to the Centre’s guests and is the first contact for guests at the Centre. If you enjoy being organised, answering emails, working in a dynamic office and talking to people from around the world, we look forward to your application!

4 months
Start date
5th of May 2024
End date
1st of September 2024
Deadline for Applications
When suitable candidate is found

Reception Manager

Closed position

The Reception Manager takes responsibility for the Centre’s bookings leading the Reception team. You will work closely with the Guest Services Director in the development and running of the Centre’s guest service-related aspects. If you enjoy the idea of communicating with guests from around the world, creating their reservations and serving them throughout their stay at KISC, we look forward to your application!

12 months
Start Date
1st October 2024
End Date
15th October 2025
Application deadline
14th July 2024

Shop Manager

Closed position

The Shop Manager is responsible for the smooth running and development of the KISC Shops, including onsite shops and online shops. The shop manager mainly works on product development, stock management, software and hardware implementations, budgeting and has the general financial oversight for the shop, staff training, supplier relations. The Shop Manager works closely with the PR & Marketing team, and the finance team.

12 months
Start date
15th November 2024
End date
30th November 2025
Application deadline
14th July 2024

SLT Admin Support

Closed position

The SLT Administration Support works directly with the Senior Leadership Team of the World Scout Centre. This person helps coordinate the joint efforts of the Deputy Directors and the Director in administration and management tasks. The SLT assistant plays a pivotal role in helping the directional aspects of the centre become swift and agile. By having daily contact with the Leadership Team, this person's work will have a high impact behind the scenes by ensuring that time is allocated accordingly to important tasks and that cross-team communication is fluent and effective.

12 months
Start date
15th November 2024
End date
30th November 2025
Applications close
14th July 2024
